literary journal
Submissions are currently CLOSED
Submissions will reopen in January 2025
Eligibility Guidelines:
The submitter must live in Canada
General Guidelines:
Please send us your best work, previously unpublished
We accept simultaneous submissions. They are encouraged! (Email us if your work was accepted elsewhere!)
Please submit your work in ONE document. If you are submitting to different genres, please have separate submissions.
Times New Roman or Arial, 12 pt. font
Submit as a doc or docx (PDFS not accepted)
Please submit all works titled as LastnameFirstname_Genre (ex. BaeYoon_Poetry)
Any depictions of potentially triggering content are accepted as long as they are purposeful. Please place disclaimers at the top of your doc.
Prose Guidelines:
Creative Non-Fiction - No more than 2,000 words
Short Fiction - No more than 2,000 words
Poetry Guidelines:
Up to 3 poems (please put them on separate pages with titles)
No more than 50 lines per poem
No more than 10 pages
Essay/Reviews/Paper/Interviews Guidelines:
No more than 2000 words (2500 allowed conditional on quality of work)
Any other questions?
Please submit a Contact form, and we will reply within 2-3 business days